Thursday, November 18, 2010

She and the Other One. For Reflection

The sun gloriously went out in the morning and when She looked out the window, said:
-How repugnant is the light! While the Other One was grateful to life.
The morning went on with the singing of the birds and when She heard them, said:
-Noisy and fastidious animals.
While the Other one, enjoyed in silence, listening how the birds of the sky, were expressing their joy, and their singing was telling her, that the sky and the rain brought happiness and she said: This is also a song that not only brings happiness to the hearts but also nourishes the earth. How beautiful is the rain!
The afternoon went on and the night arrived and the stars with her.
-Small pieces of light, insignificant little stars, you would better be darkness, said She
-Welcome, my friends, my dreams, my emotions, you are so pretty and beautiful and above all things, you are always there, so we can contemplate you, said the Other One.
It happened that Death and Life had to choose that day, whom, they will take and we can understand what happened. Life wanted to claim and rescue both, but Death said:
-Life, let's not have a discussion, my dear sister, because another mornings will come, let's both take what's ours. And so they did. And the next morning, there was only one voice of life heard:
-How beautiful is the light of the morning!

-Art and Teachings to nourish your soul, based on the works of Oscar Basurto Carbonell

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